Saturday, August 27, 2011

The U-Lock Action Fund

On 6-16-2011, Myself & another activist u-locked our necks to the gallery of the senate to force them to go into recess & try to prompt the Democratic senators to flee state again so they would not have a quorum present to pass the bill that has become synonymous with the uprising of Wisconsin.  
We were jailed and evnetually bailed out.  Yesterday we reached a settlement of a fine of $250 plus about $15 for filing cost & $60 application fee for using a public defender.  I'm currently looking to collect donations to help pay off the legal expenses as well as help out the other activist who participated in the action.

Any help you can give would help out a ton as most my personal funds have been directed to getting the Madison activist house off the ground. The donation button is to the left and whether it is just a $1 or maybe more, every little bit helps. Solidarity.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Activism & Mental Health

One aspect of activism that often gets over looked is personal well-being and mental health. Activist, by nature, are often sensitive individuals. They have yet to become desensitized to the world around them and as such often become involved to effect a change upon society and/or the world around them. In alot of ways, there is something therapeutic about the empowerment that comes from assuming a more assiduous role in ones own existence rather than that of depressive compliance. All to often people assume that their voice does not matter and they can not effect a change.

However rewarding activism is, no one can say it is a stress-free practice.  All to often activist devote themselves so much to the cause or those around them, that they neglect taking the time and energy to care for themselves as they should.  Compound this with a multitude of ever-changing stressful scenarios, relationship concerns, & often shaky financial situations.  This all stews together and suddenly issues can arise such as burn-out, anxiety based issues, & depression.  Left unchecked, these can progress into serious and life-long issues.

There are a number of helpful measures to take to ensure longevity as well as good stress managing skill for when difficult situations do arise.  
  • Be sure to always stay abreast of your current mental affairs with introspective analysis from time to time.  Some activities to help facilitate this practice include yoga, meditation, and journaling.  
  • Avoid the uses of addictive substances like tobacco & alcohol and opt for other methods of unwinding.  
  • Pay attention to your nutritional concerns and make sure you are getting enough to eat but also not over-eating due to stress.  
  • One of the best things you can do for yourself is to develop a good level of communication with a group of people or someone who is close to you.  Having a person who understands how to be a good listener is something to be thankful for.  
Of course, it is in good interest to suggest reaching out to a professorial when dealing with issues that start to effect your day to day life or if you are dealing with self-destructive tendencies or suicidal thoughts.

I'd strongly recommended individuals to take a look at these other resources and really take to heart how essential this topic is.
Activist Trauma .Net - A great site for information on activist mental health with a special focus in regards to post traumatic incidents.
What Sustains Us? What Stops Us? - A nice little zine on activist mental health 
Grassroots Gardening - Book-  It seems slightly off topic but I found this book to be super informative about more abstract aspects of issues that arise as an activist.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Turns Out Hilary Too Smexy For Der Tzitung

Turns out that ultra orthodox Jewish newspapers are none to fond of having females in their newspapers.  Der Tzitung actually photo-shopped Hilary Clinton (our now secretary of state) right out of history. The hasdic publication held concerns that the image of a female in the paper would would "excite" strict hasdic jews.

Hilary was not the only one photo-shopped out though.  Audrey Thomason, the counterterrorism analyst who can be seen to the right peering between two male colleges, was also edited out.

Rabbi Jason Miller raised a point of concern in the New York Jewish Week.
"Der Tzitung edited Hillary Clinton out of the photo, thereby changing history. To my mind, this act of censorship is actually a violation of the Jewish legal principle of g'neivat da'at (deceit)."

Besides raising eyebrows, there is also much concern over the disclaimer in which the photo was released:
"This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."
My guess: Perhaps the publication may opt out of photos that have women in them in the first place rather than attempt to alter a widely circulated print. I'm doubtful this "changed history" as a whole. Then agian, maybe it did with a few devout readers of Der Tzitung.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day Documentaries

Got some time to spare?   Watch free documentaries online.  Happy Earth Day :-D

Addicted To Plastics -Addicted to Plastic is a documentary focusing on the worldwide production and environmental effects of plastic. The host takes a 2-year trip around the world to give us a better understanding of the life cycle of plastic.

A Farm For The Future - As the sky-rocketing fuel markets soar, it has a very strong impact on the farming community. As such, wildlife film maker Rebecca Hosking investigates how to transform her family’s farm in Devon into a low energy farm for the future, and discovers that nature holds the key.

Fuel  - An in-depth personal journey of filmmaker and eco-evangelist Josh Tickell, who takes us on a fast-paced road trip into America’s dependence on foreign oil.

The Future Of Food - A must watch film that brought the issues concerning GMOs to the forefronts of American viewer's minds.

The Power Of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil  How the Cuban people adapted and embraced principles of permaculture as a method of curbing oil dependence.

The Slow Poisoning Of India - India is one of the largest users of pesticide in Asia and also one of the largest manufactures. The toxins have entered into the food chain and into the Indian breakfast, lunch and dinner. But there is a growing resistance to the dilemma as farms start resisting the GMO companies.

Other recommendations include: Food Inc., Dirt!, Coal Country, On Coal River

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Site I Like - XY Online

The one thing I despise about feminism is the sometimes overdone painting out of men to be heartless, misogynistic, overbearing dicks.  While women were busy trying to pave the way towards gender equality (some of us, trying to claim all out supremacy), we sometimes forgot to look at both the progress of males and also the hurdles they, themselves, are subjected too.  

From my perspective: It doesn't look easy to be a sensitive male in society and frankly I wish there was more support and resources for progressive, pro-gender equality masculinity.  Like an answer to this thought, a friend shared this site with me and just from what I've read, I can tell this is a great resource for issues surrounding men & gender politics. So good to see an embracing of masculinity that does not surcome to demonization of females nor the submission to the more militant aspects that have some times found there way into feminism.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

PSA Domestic Violence Commercial

On average more than three women a day are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the United States. In 2005, 1,181 women were murdered by an intimate partner.

In 2008, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published data collected in 2005 that finds that women experience two million injuries from intimate partner violence each year.

Nearly one in four women in the United States reports experiencing violence by a current or former spouse or boyfriend at some point in her life.

- Don't become a statistic. -

Photos Of The Week 4-20-2011

BP Disaster Still Kills: Deepwater Horizon: a protest performance called Human Cost took place at Tate Britain in London on the first anniversary of the oil spill. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Madison Tea Party Rally

I was able to get my first experience with a large group of tea-partiers.  Granted the estimated 6,500 in attendance were no near as many as the counter protesters.  I made to flickr sets of photos from the rally.

I guess the guys in the orange "Teach Me How To Rally" t-shirts were pro tea party security. They mainly seemed to spend there time taunting and trying to look important.

"Unions Is Hitler" - This guy was *little* off his rocker. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

North Korea Behind Internet Attacks, Says South

Reposted From North Korea Tech 

South Korea’s National Police Agency says North Korea was behind cyber attacks that targeted 30 major websites between March 3 and 5, according to local news reports.
Websites such as the presidential office and Financial Services Commission were brought down by the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.
A DDoS attack involves flooding a server with so many requests that it becomes clogged and cannot operate. This is typically done by harnessing a vast network of computers to send the traffic simultaneously and continuously.
Rather than buy and build the computers, hackers usually build this network by infecting PCs with illicit software. At the time of the attacks, local computer security firm AhnLab estimated around 50,000 PCs were involved.
A similar series of DDoS attacks targeted computers in South Korea in July 2009.
“After closely probing a number of Web sites that carried malicious codes, zombie computers and overseas servers that ordered the attacks, the strikes are identical to those of July 7, 2009, in ways of organizing the attack and designing the malicious codes,” an official at the Cyber Terror Response Center of the National Police Agency (NPA) said. –Yonhap News (via Korea Herald), April 6, 2011.

AhnLab agrees that March attack was carried out in a similar method to the 2009 attack. It has a fuller,more technical explanation of the attacks on its blog. But AhnLab doesn’t offer any suggestion as to the source of the attacks.
A DDoS attack, like any sophisticated computer hack, is typically difficult to pin down. The infected PCs that carried out the attack were probably located in many countries, but they would have been keeping contact with one or more servers that signaled them when to start attacking.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why 30,000 People Are Fasting

For years the art of fasting has been used to combat political and social injustice.  An art, ghandi really perfected.  Solidarity.   

Moment Of Zen

Amidst the chaotic news streams today a small little voice of consciousness spoke so clearly to me.  
"Don't be sad. This is just the end of the future and the beginning of the present."

A Day Of Third Wave Feminism

"Third-wave feminism is a term identified with several diverse strains of feminist activity and study whose exact boundaries in the historiography of feminism are a subject of debate, but often marked as beginning in the 1980s and continuing to the present. The movement arose as a response to the perceived failures of and backlash against initiatives and movements created by second-wave feminism of 1960s through the 1970s, and the realization that women are of "many colors, ethnicities, nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds". The third wave embraces contradictions, conflict and irrationality and attempts to accommodate diversity and change. There is, in this wave as in previous ones, no all-encompassing single feminist idea as all social movements resist static and unitary definition."
I want to share with you two stories that are just days apart.  Both protest ironically enough centering around such an overlooked right, the right to celebrate our bodies in accordance to how we, as individuals, see fit....

Monday, April 11, 2011

Of Qu'rans and Military Occupations of Muslim Countries

**This piece was written by my friend, Jase Short, of Tennessee.**
As uprisings, revolutions and protests continue to radiate from the Tunisian and Egyptian epicenters, we ought to pause to take a look at the peculiar situation of Afghanistan. “Peculiar” in what sense, however? Peculiar in the character of the protests? Peculiar due to the military occupation and warlord-ization of the country under the occupation authority? Or peculiar due to its religious justifications?

Of Qu'rans and Military Occupations of Muslim Countries
Toward the end of last month, Terry Jones—the pastor who had threatened a “Qu'ran Bonfire” during the height of last summer's wave of Islamophobia in the States—burned a Qu'ran in a somewhat anti-climatic ceremony that gained only YouTube notoriety. The conspicuous absence of the mainstream media for the whole event contrasted with the hyper-obsessive coverage of every action of Pastor Jones just mere months ago, but Jones did get the attention of far right Islamists in different parts of the world. For whatever reason, Jones' burning of the Qu'ran did not seem to incite major protests or responses around the Arab and Muslim worlds—perhaps indicative that the uprisings are changing the fundamental coordinates of the political situation, at least temporarily stunting the appeal of religious slogans and programs in much of the Middle East and North Africa.

Then we get the images the mainstream media has fed us from Afghanistan over the past week: images of angry Afghans taking to the street, especially in the previously stable city of Mazar-i-Sharif, the most important major city lacking any serious Taliban influence (there is a reason it was the first town conquered by the warlord's bonanza called “the Northern Alliance” during the 2001 US invasion, it is split into many ethnic minorities, the Taliban are almost exclusively Pashtun). Not all of the information is in or can be verified (can something like that ever be done with a country under military occupation?), but we know that UN security guards fired on the crowd, the crowd moved to disarm the guards and some element of the crowd (probably organized pre-protest) murdered the guards and some staff at the UN compound.

Protests then spread to Kandahar and across Afghanistan, even to its east—a place that has not seen any mass risings against the occupation to date. There is now a nationwide protest movement against the NATO occupation, the first of its kind in the decade of occupation that has plagued the country. There is no doubt that the Taliban has taken advantage of the situation and is largely responsible for directing many of these protests—there was fear of riots just a week ago, the fact that mostly peaceful demonstrations have occurred instead is a testament to the fact that Afghans have a fighting chance for the first time to challenge this occupation through the politics of civil disobedience rather than armed guerilla struggle. Forces on the left and liberal end of the spectrum of NATO countries ought to support this effort, but have remained largely silent due to the success of the ideological campaign waged against the Afghan people by the Karzai government, the NATO and the mainstream media.

The crux of the whole affair is the last minute attachment of statements of outrage against Terry Jones' Qu'ran burning to lists of demands in the protests.

Friday, April 8, 2011

EPA Stripping Would Give Dirty Coal The Upper Hand

There is a war going on but it is not in some far off country, submersed in a misunderstood culture.  This war is happening on our own soil, or our soon to be lack-there-of.  This war is called Mountain Top Removal (aka surface mining.), a practice in which the soil and rocks of the earth surface are removed in order to extract minerals and in the case of the Appalachia, this mineral is coal.

What is left after this practice is a desert.  There is no soil to sustain the ecosystem that once existed here.   This was a landscape so special that it was capable of growing plants otherwise not seen in the US.  The unique terrain makes it ill-fitted for large scale mono-cultures but perfectly suited for small scale farms that could empower the people of Appalachia and cut off the confinements of corporate dependence.  We have suddenly lost this sustainable, agriculturally viable zone capable of vast permaculture practices that would provide and protect the environment. For what?

Traditional Knowledge, Biodiversity and Sustainable Living

This woman is inspiring <3. Vandana Shiva talks about the importance of restoring the food system to protect the integrity of culture, instill freedom, and resist theft by large corporations.

"Globalized industrialized food is not cheap: it is too costly for the Earth, for the farmers, for our health. The Earth can no longer carry the burden of groundwater mining, pesticide pollution, disappearance of species and destabilization of the climate. Farmers can no longer carry the burden of debt, which is inevitable in industrial farming with its high costs of production. It is incapable of producing safe, culturally appropriate, tasty, quality food. And it is incapable of producing enough food for all because it is wasteful of land, water and energy. Industrial agriculture uses ten times more energy than it produces. It is thus ten times less efficient." - Vandana Shiva

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Photos Of The Week 4-5-2011

Bank Of America Vs. Zeus - Monday night, a midtown Bank Of America (a recent target of the US Uncut movement) gets struck by lightning.  Perhaps the corporate tax dollars will take it as a sign? (doubtful)
Photo Credit Robert Wojciechowski

Love The Future:  China's censors have been attempting to block out the name of Ai Weiwei so users have started useing the code name “Love the Future 爱未来" - to post on Sina Weibo as a form of protest; many of those “love the future” messages have also been quickly deleted.  Click here read more.
Photo Credit -

Monday, April 4, 2011

Anon: U Mad Sony?

So what happens when you get a bunch of hackers pissed off because they can not use Linux on there PS3?  You get a mass DDoS attack. In an epic display, the anons managed to take down sites & interrupt game time today, causing a confused uproar from gamers as well.  Check out the video & the links for more info.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

OpWant - Anon Takes On NASDAQ & Sweeden's Wallenburg Faimly

The hacktivist collective known as Anonymous has recently announced "Operation Want" in which it plans to hit NASDAQ & one of Sweden's most elite families, the Wallenburgs.  NASDAQ is the largest equity securities trading market to run of a screen based, electronic system.

The more extensive of the two documents (Letter To The Secretary Of The Securities & Exchange Commission) was written by the lawyer, author, & advocate, Kevin B. Zeese.  Citing information, it points out the general concern over the proposed changes that would further facilitate the Wallenburg family getting on the NASDAQ OM Board.

Letter To The Secretary Of The Securities & Exchange Commission
AnonOp Want - World Wide Press Release 
Operation Wants Salon Blog

Friday, April 1, 2011

Facebook, Zuckerberg Sued For Not Removing A Page Fast Enough

In Soviet America, you don't sue when you are censored - you get sued for not censoring fast enough!

Have we really evolved past the point of protecting censorship that we are now suing people for not taking something down fast enough?? The controversial FB profile page of the "third Palestinian intifada" was removed on March 29th due to allegations of violence. [ I would also like to add as a counter point to the page removal - feel free to scan around facebook, especially regarding anti-LGBT pages. I'm sure you'd find some shocking "allegations of violence" as well.]  Free speech advocates have expressed much dismay over the measure and have many questioning if there wasn't measurements that could have been taken instead of the full removal of the page.

One thing that wasn't foreseen was to find people so upset it wasn't taken down sooner.  Larry Klayman, an author, activist, and former senate candidate is now suing Zuckerberg for a hefty 1 billion for not taking down the page fast enough.  Read the more on this story here

Farmers Taking On GMO Giant, Monsanto

Few areas interest me like that of GMO's (Genetically Modified Organism) and their infiltration into the american agriculture system.  Becoming a fast friend to mono-culture and the hidden bane of small farmers, GMO companies did a good job smoke screening themselves by capitalizing off of the tragic stories of foreign famine and providing a crop output that could not compare to conventional methods via space-age science methods applied to standard, staple crops.  But they were also pioneers on another front.  Companies like Monsanto have paved the way for a principle quite unique to become mainstream.  The patenting of seeds.  Big corporations could now be the proprietors of life forms.

Besides the potential biological environmental & health ramifications, GMO's have also put grave danger on the integrity of the american farmer.   The cost came in the form of loss of personal sustainability, crippling dependence on the companies, & the fear of the legal wrath of these giant corporations.  More shocking was that it was not just the planters of GMO's that suffered from the ill-tides of corporate back-lashings, but also those who were at risk of cross contamination of seed.  Plants would cross pollinate and put all farmers at risk of being sued for patent infringement.  Well since then, the GMO companies have been partaking in an all you can eat buffet of legal battles, slowly stringing up small farmers, one-by-one, for all they have.  It didn't take long for the landscapes of the Midwest to become comprised of large multi-corporation farms.

A resistance was found in the organic farming movement.  While, not immune to the proverbial gavel of businesses like Monsanto, they have strived to educate and encourage practices of seed saving.   But it still has not been enough just due to the sheer magnitude and scale of these big corporations.

So I wonder if the GMO giants saw this coming:
Organic Seed Growers & Trade Association, et al. v. Monsanto.  That's right.  Tables turned as

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Kill Switch

National Asset Act of 2010 became synonymous with the nickname "The Kill Switch Bill" when to the shock of many it was purposed that the president have the power to shut down the internet.  When questioned about the bill Lieberman responded “Right now, China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in a case of war. We need to have that here, too.” I wonder how that's working for them over there.

If this shocks you, you would be more shocked to learn

Gunpoint Readings

So last weekend proved the GOP could get lower - M. Huckbee “All Americans Should Be Forced at Gunpoint to Listen to David Barton"   David Barton is the religious right pseudo-historian who specializes in trying to prove that the founding fathers intended to create a Christian theocracy, and who gave speeches to neo-Nazi groups in the 1990s

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mike Prysner - ""Poor and working people of this country are sent to kill poor and working people in another country to make the rich richer"

Iraq war veteran, Mike Prysner speaks out against the war.   Truly moving. 

The Riot Dog Of Greece

Greece has seen a had a strange reoccurance of the same stray dog at it's protest.  It's the riot dog!! :D
Huffington Post Article

The Po'Po Takes Me Out

The police taking me out of the capitol - I refused to leave on the grounds that I had left the occupation with the expectation & promise of the police that the capitol doors would remain open to the public. I informed the officers if the access to the capitol was denied during working hours,

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anonymous Sets It's Sights On The Federal Reserve

On the 28th, tomorrow, Anonymous takes siege of the Federal Reserve.

UPDATE - Meh...guess it was a lot of build up and no revoltion. SAD :-(

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Japan Earthquake + HAARP = 1) Crazy Wing Nuts -OR - 2) A Potential Therory

Alongside the pages of poor quality gifs, 90's graphics, & links to far out governmental propositions lay tid-bits of thoughts/theories on the mysterious or potentially misunderstood HAARP - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.  So what do they claim to do?  According to there website, its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement technology for radio communications and surveillance purposes.
Without a doubt that is enough to raise eyebrows in our security concerned culture as we continue to feel the pressures of the patriot act and hear more and more about how the government is monitoring us, but some people take the potential dangers of HAARP even farther by making massive claims

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hail Scott Walker!

On May 2nd, 1933, the day after Labor day - Nazi groups occupied union halls and labor leaders were arrested. Trade Unions were outlawed by Adolf Hitler, while collective bargaining and the right to strike was abolished.
You know in High School, when you questioned vehemently, the purpose behind learning about a bunch of old guys in wigs? It's because it repeats it's self otherwise. Scott Walker is either fairly conscious of the fact what he is doing in WI is evocative of the nazi regime or else he is oblivious of the connection.